Be Aware

Dear Sephardic community member don't be fooled by Ashkenazifed Sephardic Rabbis (Rabbis that studied in Ashkenazi Yeshivot) to believe that they teach you Sephardic customs. Keep the customs of your parents and keep the Sephardic tradition alive.

March 20, 2011

Baalei Teshuvah Should Follow Minhagim of Sefardim

Rav Avraham Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Cholon and son of Rav Ovadiah Yosef, is now following in his father’s footsteps and promoting the psakim (customs and laws) of the Sefardim, according to the Beit Yosef, as the overruling authority in Eretz Yisrael.
Rav Avraham recently said that while everyone should adhere to the customs of his anscestors, and therefore Ashkenazim should follow minhagei Ashkenaz and Sefardim should follow minhagei Sefard, that only applies to religious people who have religious parents who kept those minhagim and piskei halacha.
Anyone who is a baal teshuvah, (becoming more religious) one whose parents are not religious and they themselves did not adhere to their minhagim and psakim, even an Ashkenazi person, would need to keep the Sefardic halacha and minhagim, said Rav Avraham. Since such a person has no ancestral custom to follow, he must accept the Sefardi custom, which is the overruling authority in Eretz Yisrael.

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